Event Details
Full payment must be made two weeks prior to the event to be placed on the schedule.
$1400 per team for 1-4 teams.
$1345 per team for 5 - 6 teams.
$1300 per team for 7 or more teams.
$1150 per team for 7v7
Payment by bank ACH or credit card will add a processing fee
Bank Account Fee: 3.25% + $0.30
Credit Card Fee: 4.25% + $0.30
High School A
High School B
High School B2
U14 A/B
U12 A/B
U10 (7v7 or 10v10)
U8 (7v7)
Girls Divisions
High School A
High School B
Middle School
Lower School (7v7)
Click Here to view Tourney Machine.
Boys Rules & Regulations
- 22-minute running Halves
- Halftime will be 1 minute
- Counts are in effect 20-10. 20 seconds to cross midfield, and 10 seconds to step it into the box. (HS/U14/U12 Divisions only) (No counts for U10)
- Over and back rule applies.
- If a team is stalling, they will be forced to keep it in the box on officials discretion
- Timeouts: One 30-second timeout per game. Officials will stop the game clock. Timeouts can only be called anywhere on the field.
- Stop/start time in the last 2 minutes of the game if the score difference is 2 or less.
- Under 2 minutes: If the score difference is 2 or less, the leading team will be told to ‘get it in and keep it in the box’. The leading team has 10 seconds to get it in and then must stay in the box with less than 2-minutes remaining in the game.
- If tied during Pool Play: go to ‘Braveheart’. 3-field players and a goalie. No Substitutes. No Timeouts.
- If tied in playoffs: go to 'Sudden Death'. There will be no timeouts permitted during overtime, and the overtime period will last until a goal is scored. No stoppages during overtime. (Playoffs Only)
- On flag down situation, play continues until the usual stoppage or the defense gains possession. The ball can come out of the restraining box and play continues. If the ball is loose and the fouling team commits a technical foul, it is a time-serving foul (HS/U14 Divisions only). NOTE: Stoppage for U12/U10/U8 divisions on flag down, when the ball hits the ground, NO continuation.
- One-handed checks are allowed for U12-High School.
- All penalties are running normal length starting on refs whistle. The referees and scores table keeps running the game clock, penalty clocks and official score.
- The field coordinator assists in scores, times, and penalties. The FC sends scores to HQ for Tourney Machine after each game after getting signed confirmation from refs and coaches.
- Warmup will take place prior, games will start as soon as teams get to the field, delay of game can be called if teams are not ready to go.
- Faceoff Rules will be NCAA rules. SNG (Standing, Neutral Grip) ONLY. NO Knee down and No Motorcycle grip.
- No Dive in the crease.
- Mercy rule, if a team is winning by 6 goals or more, the losing team will be awarded the ball after all goals at the Faceoff x.
- 7v7 Format (2 mids/2 attack/2 defenders/1 goalie
- Modified Field
- 22 Minute running halves.
- 1 Time Out per game. TO's can be called anytime during the game. The clock will stop.
- No Counts
- Goalkeeper 4-second count will be enforced.
- Longest pole is 60” in length (only U10). No more than 4 sticks between 44”-60.” **NO poles at the U8 division.
- All penalties will result in the substitution of the player who committed the penalty, and the opposing team will receive a fast break at midfield (3v2) all other players will start 10 yards/designated line behind midfield.
- In a flag-down situation, play stops when the ball hits the ground or the defense gains possession.
- Faceoff’s after every goal and to start the second half (unless mercy rule is in effect)
Only currently registered players for the specific tournament and who agree to the “Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity and Parental Consent AGREEMENT,” may participate in tournament games. It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure all of his team members are registered. The Florida Summer Challenge will notify a coach if a player did not agree to the Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity and Parental Consent AGREEMENT.
Players may play “up” in age/grade groups, but may NOT play “down.”
Any team that forfeits a game during the tournament will be ineligible to compete in any playoff games. The score for any forfeit will be:
10-0 since the greatest Goals Differential is 10
No player may compete, or be rostered, on more than one team in the same division or age group during the tournament unless they are approved by the tournament directors in advance. Any team with a player in violation of this rule will forfeit all games in which the player is known to have competed and therefore, forfeit the opportunity to advance to the playoff round.
Tiebreaker information is available under Game Rules.
Any player, fan or coach ejected from the game will be prohibited from competing in his/her team's next game.
Decisions on the field will be the final ruling. Any fighting or flagrant disrespect toward an official will result in expulsion for the remainder of the tournament. No Exceptions, No Refunds.
Spectators also need to respect the Officials and the Players. Bad behavior will not be tolerated. Should referees or tournament director deem a spectator, player, or coach needs to be removed from the site(s) of the tournament, it will be the responsibility of the coach from the offender’s team to remove the offender from the site(s).
Each field is assigned a Field Timer; the Field Timer will record the score on a scorecard for each game. At the end of each game one referee who officiated the game will sign the scorecard to confirm final score and expulsions. Coaches should check the scorecard on the field if they wish to validate or challenge a score. Any challenges must be made immediately following the game with the Officials and Field Timer, who will contact a tournament administrator to address the issue. Once the scorecard reaches the administration tent the score is considered final.
Girls Rules & Regulations
- 12v12 Format (11 field players 1 goalie)
- 22-minute running Halves
- Halftime will be 1 minute
- Timeouts: One 30-second timeout per game. Officials will stop the game clock. Timeouts can be called anywhere on the field.
- Stop/start time in the last 2 minutes of the game if the score difference is 2 or less.
- If tied during Pool Play: go to ‘Braveheart’. 3-field players and a goalie. No Substitutes. No Timeouts.
- If tied in playoffs: go to 'Sudden Death'. There will be no timeouts permitted during overtime, and the overtime period will last until a goal is scored. No stoppages during overtime. (Playoffs Only)
- Draw after every goal and to start the second half (unless mercy rule is in effect)
- The field coordinator assists in scores, times, and penalties. The FC sends scores to HQ for Tourney Machine after each game after getting signed confirmation from refs and coaches.
- Warmup will take place prior, games will start as soon as teams get to the field, delay of game can be called if teams are not ready to go.
- Mercy rule, if a team is winning by 6 goals or more, the losing team will be awarded the ball after all goals at midfield.
- High School and Middle School divisions full checking with tournament play.
- Alternate possession – the team listed first on the schedule receives the first alternate possessions. After initial possession is awarded, the possession will
then alternate
- 7v7 Format (2 mids/2 attack/2 defenders/1 goalie
- Modified Field
- 22 Minute running halves.
- Halftime will be 1 minute
- Timeouts: One 30-second timeout per game. Officials will stop the game clock. Timeouts can be called anywhere on the field.
- Stop/start time in the last 2 minutes of the game if the score difference is 2 or less.
- If tied during Pool Play: go to ‘Braveheart’. 2-field players and a goalie. No Substitutes. No Timeouts.
- If tied in playoffs: go to 'Sudden Death'. There will be no timeouts permitted during overtime, and the overtime period will last until a goal is scored. No stoppages during overtime. (Playoffs Only)
- The field coordinator assists in scores, times, and penalties. The FC sends scores to HQ for Tourney Machine after each game after getting signed confirmation from refs and coaches.
- Warmup will take place prior, games will start as soon as teams get to the field, delay of game can be called if teams are not ready to go.
- Mercy rule, if a team is winning by 6 goals or more, the losing team will be awarded the ball after all goals at midfield.
- Goalkeeper 10-second count will be enforced.
- Offsides rules apply.
- Youth divisions will play 7 v 7 with modified checking and 3-second rule as
defined by US lacrosse for good defense. One pass rule is NOT in effect. - Draw after every goal and to start the second half (unless mercy rule is in effect)
- Alternate possession – the team listed first on the schedule receives the first alternate possessions. After initial possession is awarded, the possession will
then alternate
Only currently registered players for the specific tournament and who agree to the “Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity and Parental Consent AGREEMENT,” may participate in tournament games. It is the coach’s responsibility to ensure all of his team members are registered. The Florida Summer Challenge will notify a coach if a player did not agree to the Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity and Parental Consent AGREEMENT.
Players may play “up” in age/grade groups, but may NOT play “down.”
Any team that forfeits a game during the tournament will be ineligible to compete in any playoff games. The score for any forfeit will be:
10-0 since the greatest Goals Differential is 10
No player may compete, or be rostered, on more than one team in the same division or age group during the tournament unless they are approved by the tournament directors in advance. Any team with a player in violation of this rule will forfeit all games in which the player is known to have competed and therefore, forfeit the opportunity to advance to the playoff round.
Tiebreaker information is available under Game Rules.
Any player, fan or coach ejected from the game will be prohibited from competing in his/her team's next game.
Decisions on the field will be the final ruling. Any fighting or flagrant disrespect toward an official will result in expulsion for the remainder of the tournament. No Exceptions, No Refunds.
Spectators also need to respect the Officials and the Players. Bad behavior will not be tolerated. Should referees or tournament director deem a spectator, player, or coach needs to be removed from the site(s) of the tournament, it will be the responsibility of the coach from the offender’s team to remove the offender from the site(s).
Each field is assigned a Field Timer; the Field Timer will record the score on a scorecard for each game. At the end of each game one referee who officiated the game will sign the scorecard to confirm final score and expulsions. Coaches should check the scorecard on the field if they wish to validate or challenge a score. Any challenges must be made immediately following the game with the Officials and Field Timer, who will contact a tournament administrator to address the issue. Once the scorecard reaches the administration tent the score is considered final.
Player Waiver
Player Waiver - Each player must complete to participate
Players need to receive a Player Registration Invite from their Club Director. Club Directors will have access to the player registration/waiver invite once they register their club. The registration includes the event waivers. Contact your club director if you have yet to receive the invite. All players must be registered to participate in the event.
We work closely with Team Travel Source to not only source the best hotels, but contract with various hotels to fit all accommodations. We request to work with a wide variety of lodging partners to secure excellent rates for all our teams. To achieve this, we have a Stay to Play policy so that the hotels, cities, and counties are assured that the discounts they offer are used. We work closely with our lodging partners to track team reservations and the stay-to-play policy, as well as ensure that there are enough rooms for all teams attending the event.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email sports@teamtravelsource.com. We will make sure that your teams are taken care of.
Click Here to view discounts and book hotel reservations.
Field Maps & directions
The Summer Challenge will be held at Pine Trails Park, in Parkland, FL. The facility has 3 turf fields and 6 grass fields.
Parking is available on the South end of the park. Parking extends North of the recreation center, back to the baseball and lacrosse fields. Additional parking is available at Pine Trails Elementary south of the park.
Park Rules:
NO Pets
NO BBQ Grills/Fires
NO Alcohol/Smoking
10555 Trails End
Parkland, FL 33076